How we can help you
Internal strategy to increase engagement and performance
Connection builds a productive and efficient workplace. Connected teams collaborate, innovate and foster healthy working relationships.
We can help build connectivity and engagement in the workplace resulting in information being shared with clarity and context, and people understanding the role and value they have in achieving overarching goals, instilling a greater level of trust. This helps organisations to achieve strategic goals, initiate change, adapt to markets and improve overall workplace experience, culture and reputation.
To support organisations to increase engagement and performance, McGregor + Associates can support your team to:
Baseline organisational strategic awareness.
Build meaningful strategic frameworks.
Align engagement initiatives.
Enhance communication outcomes.
Embed strategic alignment into performance processes.
Build internal ambassadors.
Specialist advisory services to build communication and engagement skills and confidence
With over two decades’ experience across a raft of industries in the private, public and political sectors, McGregor + Associates can partner with your leadership, communications, engagement and advocacy teams to assist develop skills, capability and confidence.
We will help you to achieve this by:
Undertaking an assessment of activities to identify opportunities to improve.
Providing strategic advice.
Providing mentoring or coaching support.
Embedding new systems and skills to improve outcomes, and save time and cost.
External strategy to build awareness and advocacy
At McGregor + Associates we can help organisations to connect with people and markets through community value and benefit plans, ambassadorship strategies, clear and meaningful communication and engagement, as well as powerful campaigns.
Community benefit plans enhance community engagement, build trust and relationships, increase public participation in programs and services, and ensure projects have a positive impact on the communities they serve.
To support organisations to build external awareness and advocacy, McGregor + Associates can support your team with:
Authentic stakeholder engagement processes that build trust.
Community Benefits Plans that are targeted and measurable, address local needs, and empower local stakeholders.
Long-term frameworks for maintaining trust, measuring impact and strengthening relationships with local stakeholders.
We can also support organisations to shift communities from levels of awareness, through to advocacy and ambassadorship through assisting your team with:
Community listening initiatives.
Community engagement processes.
Community partnerships.
Building ambassador networks.
We also work with clever brand and design partners, who have experience in creating the right look and feel that captures who you are, what you do and why you do it, supporting your organisation to:
Bring your strategy to life.
Foster engagement through brand storytelling.
Connect with people on a personal and emotional level.
Deliver powerful and meaningful campaigns, which deliver results.
Leadership coaching – to inspire and empower people
Effective leaders who build connection with their team through authentic and inspiring communication, employee development and regular feedback will foster happier, healthier and more productive workplaces, innovation and better performance outcomes.
At McGregor + Associates we can provide one on one, or whole of team leadership coaching to support leaders to:
Understand their own stories and motivations, and how to use these to build connectivity and trust.
Engage in open and honest communication.
Set clear goals and expectations.
Coach team members, and encourage personal and professional development.
Provide feedback with clarity and purpose.